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Thank you for submitting your work!

ADA Maths aims to gather all mathematical questions with solutions to help the world learn. Thank you for contributing to this!

You can:

  • Type out your work
  • Take a picture of you handwritten notes, upload and share the link
  • Share a video link
  • Share a whole worksheet of questions
If you would quickly like to share a solution, please email it to (remember to include the QuestionID!)
Please look underneath the submission form for help.

Submission Form

* required field.

* *

You can also email a picture to Please include the QuestionID!

* help? *

You can also email a picture to Please include the QuestionID!

* help? *

* help? *

You can also email a picture to Please include the QuestionID!

* help? *

Name (credit will go to this name):

Submission Help

Question ID Help

When submitting an answer, solution or video we need to locate which question you are doing this for. Each question has a Question ID in the form "1010010001". When you click on any of "a,s,v" they will all show the Question ID. Please include this in the submission. Below is a picture of a video popup with the Question ID shown underneath. Look at the examples below on where to type this into the form.
Tex / LaTeX
LaTeX is a universal language which helps to write out mathematics in documents and online. All questions shown on ADA Maths is written in this language and it is easily sharable. This website helps you write and preview any code you write. When you submit any please put dollar signs around it $...$. This is the only way to submit a question that is purely mathematical. Look at the picture below for an example.

You may have to submit an image as a question for example, a graph or shape question. You may also like to take a picture of a handwritten solution. If you need to submit an image please upload one (recommend and share the direct link (URL). Look at the picture below for an example.

You can also email an image to Please include the QuestionID!

Sometimes it is clearer to record a solution, where you can explain how a question can be solved. There are many ways to record your screen. We recommend reading this to start with. Remember you can also record your handwritten notes with a phone camera. ADA Maths only uses YouTube to show videos currently. Please upload your video to YouTube and then provide a link when submitting it. Look at the picture below for an example.

Want to submit multiple questions/answers/etc?. You can submit all this information in one spreadsheet to save time. Click here to download the sample spreadsheet and use the same format for submission. If you cannot fill in all columns (for example only have questions and answers) just leave them blank.

To submit your spreadsheet you can upload it to google sheets, and share the link. Or if you would like to share an Excel spreadsheet please upload it here and share the link. Look at the picture below for an example.

You can also email an image to Please include the QuestionID!